As you know, I adore H&M. As usual, today I was very surprised to see Christmas collection, again with lovely Chanel Iman. By my favourite photographer Terry Richardson! love this collection-bright accsesorize, specialy for New-Year parties, amazing present! xo xo Simona
no, really. i like H&M a lot, i like Terry a lot. but these photos are so not-terry'sh. like his photoshoot for J.Choo. and unfortunately H&M has become too popular, it's everywhere. i'm sure you understand me.)
no, really. i like H&M a lot, i like Terry a lot. but these photos are so not-terry'sh. like his photoshoot for J.Choo.
ОтветитьУдалитьand unfortunately H&M has become too popular, it's everywhere. i'm sure you understand me.)
Chanel Iman is soo lovely ;) love her and H&M
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